
Old Bridge, NJ – Feb. 2, 2016 – The Old Bridge Public Library will offer the following programming highlights this month:


Baseball: The Cooperstown Chronicles: Sat. Feb. 20th, 2pm. Author Frank Russo will discuss his book The Cooperstown Chronicles, which takes an entertaining look at the unusual lives, strange demises, and rowdy habits of some of the most colorful personalities in the history of baseball.  Russo goes beyond the stats and delves into each player’s personality and his life outside of baseball.  A baseball researcher who runs the popular website www.thedeadballera.com, Russo is a member of the Society for American Baseball Research and currently blogs for the Yankees on NYbaseballdigest.com. His writing has appeared in Sports Illustrated, the New York Post and the Boston Globe.  Books will be available for purchase.


African American Genealogy: Sun. Feb. 21st, 2pm. A panel of presenters from the AAHGS (Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society) will present on their early African American family history dating back to the 18th-20th centuries and will focus on their individual family history in the state of NJ.  Scheduled to appear are: Barbara Polk-Riley – “From Slavery to Freedom; ” Teresa Vega – “The Blanchards of Orange, NJ” and Toni Armstead – “The Calloway Family of East Orange, NJ.”


Understanding Standarized Test Scores: Thurs. Feb. 25th, 7pm. Lori M. Gaines, Esq., Managing Partner at Barger & Gaines which specializes in special education law, will discuss standardized test scores, and the need to compare results over time to assess if progress is being made.

While important for everyone, this session is particularly geared towards parents of children with learning disabilities.



Ancient Olympics: Sun. Feb. 28th, 2pm. Before the Olympic Games occur this summer, learn about their ancient predecessor through the art of the ancient Greeks. This program will explore how this religious event in southern Greece developed over the course of 1,100 years and how it helped draw the Greek city-states together.  The session will be presented by Mike Norris, who has a Ph.D in Art History from the UC at Santa Barbara, has spent 20 years at the Cloisters Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and has lectured all over the world.


The Old Bridge Public Library was recently voted “Best Public Library in Middlesex County” by the readers of the Home News Tribune. The Library is open seven-days-a-week and is located at 1 Old Bridge Plaza at the corner of Rt. 516 and Cottrell Road. More information about this and other Library programs can be found at www.oldbridgelibrary.org or by calling 732-721-5600 x5033. The satellite Laurence Harbor branch is located at 277 Shoreland Circle; phone: 732-566-2227.



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