
In our continuing efforts to serve the community, we are pleased to add two new online resources to our collection.  Starting November 1, Lumos Learning’s StepUp and Muzzy Online will be available for you to use in the library or remotely with your Old Bridge library card.


Lumos Learning creates a collaborative educational platform for students in grades 3-8, their parents, and teachers that is available year-round. The online resource consists of hundreds of grade-appropriate language arts and math questions based on the new Common Core State Standards that will assist in PARCC test preparation. The interactive online workshop allows students to improve their writing, reading and language skills as well as math proficiency.  Students will get instant feedback and can review their answers anytime.

Visit Lumos Learning StepUp »


Muzzy Online has introduced millions of children worldwide to a second language for over 25 years. It was created by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), and its online program has now been enhanced with new animation and sound. Muzzy is effective for children of all ages, and is modeled on the way people learn their first language. By naturally immersing the student with visual, auditory and contextual language, Muzzy was designed without memorization and drills.  It emphasizes functional language and features repetition and escalation.  Muzzy offers lessons in Spanish, French, German, English, Italian and Mandarin Chinese.

Visit Muzzy Online »